The week before his birthday we celebrated Thanksgiving (with mom! not sure when we last were together for this holiday) here in Houston at Katie's house. Spencer was delighted to get to play with Henry's toys, and we enjoyed meeting Heidi's new baby, Milo, and also *finally* getting to spend time with Kim while she was back in the US.
Recently Spencer has just been cracking me up. His little brain is always whirling away and his crazy thoughts just come tumbling out of his mouth. Some of my favorites from this past week include:
"It's ok, I'm just licking the toothpaste now."
"Did you know that the bare necessities will come to you?"
"I'm just gonna hold my present and move some other presents over there."
"Oranges are usually living."
"I finished all of my food, now you can see my muscles!"
"I have a good idea: first I'll go potty, and then we'll watch a video. that's my idea."
"Actually, spitting is not a good idea."
"No, I'm not dancing, I'm just pretending to dance."
"When I become a man, I'm gonna get a cherry picker.