Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

We have been quite productive on the baby front during the past 48 hours. Yesterday we met with a pediatrician who we liked very much, got all of the 'right' answers to our questions, and is very conveniently location only 10 minutes from either home or work. Today we met with the senior rabbi at our temple just to chat and ask a few questions and make sure there wasn't anything we were overlooking along the way. One big question on our minds was the tradition of Jews to not have baby showers or do much of anything to prepare a nursery in advance. This came from times when infant mortality rate was much higher, and such tangible items might add to the parents' pain. Our rabbi assured us that nothing in Jewish law expressly prohibits gifts for an unborn child, and that attitudes about this tradition are much more relaxed outside of observant Jewish circles. So, with that assurance, we'll now get a bit more serious on figuring out what we need (aggressively consult ratings/recommendations in Baby Bargains) so we can get started on registering. We stopped on the way home and bought a light for the baby room, which Jim has already installed in the time it has taken me to write this blog entry.

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